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RAD Studio 10.2 + Python4Delphi

if you find this error while compile your exe,
[dcc32 Error] VarPyth.pas(185): E2037 Declaration of 'DispInvoke' differs from previous declaration

procedure DispInvoke(Dest: PVarData; const Source: TVarData;
      CallDesc: PCallDesc; Params: Pointer); override;

change to

procedure DispInvoke(Dest: PVarData; const Source: TVarData;
      CallDesc: PCallDesc; Params: Pointer); overload;

Dokuwiki parse_ini_file replacement functions

Add the  r_parse_ini_file  function , and replace all 3 /lib/exe/css.php  parse_ini_file  to  r_parse_ini_file  !

Release 2018-04-22 "Greebo"
- Change to inc/StyleUtils.php

Add the  r_parse_ini_file  function , and replace all 3 /inc/StyleUtils.php  parse_ini_file  to  $this->r_parse_ini_file  !